Compared with traditional software, AI poses a number of different risks. AI systems are trained on data that can change over time, sometimes signifi- cantly and unexpectedly, affecting the systems in ways that can be difficult to understand. These systems are also “socio-technical” in nature, meaning they are influenced by societal dynamics and human behavior. AI risks can emerge from the complex interplay of these technical and societal factors, affecting people’s lives in situations ranging from their experiences with online chatbots to the results of job and loan applications. The framework equips organizations to think about AI and risk differently. It promotes a change in institutional culture, encouraging organizations to approach AI with a new perspective—including how to think about, communicate, measure, and monitor AI risks and its potential positive and negative impacts. The AI RMF provides a flexible, struc- tured, and measurable process that will enable organizations to address AI risks. Following this process for managing AI risks can maximize the benefits of AI tech- nologies while reducing the likelihood of negative impacts to individuals, groups, communities, organizations, and society. The framework is part of NIST’s larger effort to cultivate trust in AI technolo- gies—necessary if the technology is to be accepted widely by society, according to Under Secretary for Standards and Technology and NIST Director Laurie E. Locascio. “The AI Risk Management Framework can help companies and other organiza- tions in any sector and any size to jump- start or enhance their AI risk management approaches,” Locascio said. “It offers a new way to integrate responsible practices and actionable guidance to operation- alize trustworthy and responsible AI. We expect the AI RMF to help drive develop- ment of best practices and standards.” The AI RMF is divided into two parts. The first part discusses how organiza- tions can frame the risks related to AI and outlines the characteristics of trustworthy AI systems. The second part, the core of the framework, describes four specific functions—govern, map, measure, and manage—to help organizations address the risks of AI systems in practice. These func- tions can be applied in context-specific use cases and at any stages of the AI life cycle. Working closely with the private and public sectors, NIST has been developing the AI RMF for 18 months. The docu- ment reflects about 400 sets of formal comments NIST received from more than 240 different organizations on draft versions of the framework. NIST released statements from some of the organiza- tions that have already committed to use or promote the framework. The agency also released a companion voluntary AI RMF Playbook, which suggests ways to navigate and use the framework. NIST plans to work with the AI community to update the framework peri- odically and welcomes suggestions for additions and improvements to the play- book at any time. An updated version of the playbook was released in spring 2023. In addition, NIST plans to launch a Trustworthy and Responsible AI Resource Center to help organizations put the AI RMF 1.0 into practice. The agency encourages organizations to develop and share profiles of how they would put it to use in their specific contexts. Submissions may be sent to NIST is committed to continuing its work with companies, civil society, govern- ment agencies, universities, and others to develop additional guidance. The agency issued a roadmap for that work. The framework is part of NIST’s broad and growing portfolio of AI-related work that includes fundamental and applied research along with a focus on measure- ment and evaluation, technical standards, and contributions to AI policy. SCANNER |INDUSTRYNEWS www. .com 2000 ASME &RFT tubes in stock -Same day shipping Custom calibration standards Mock-up exchangers /tube testing bundles EDM notches, holes and flaws S Spiral notches &tube expansions Corrosion simulation 14 M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N J U L Y 2 0 2 3 2307 ME July dup.indd 14 6/19/23 3:41 PM CREDIT: N. HANACEK/NIST
BECOME A MENTOR FOR ASNT RISE The 2023–2024 class of the ASNT RISE Leadership Development Program is seeking experienced NDT profes- sionals to become their mentors. RISE is a 12-month program combining classroom training and personal development exercises with a series of online learning modules and in-person meetings. As a mentor, you’ll provide one-on-one guidance to your mentee as they navigate the program. Interested applicants should be able to commit to support their mentees from October 2023 through November 2024. Mentors are strongly encouraged to attend the 2023 and 2024 ASNT Annual Conferences to support their mentees. To apply, email with the subject line: RISE Mentorship Application. Please include a résumé or bio and a statement describing your interest in becoming a mentor for the program (maximum 250 words). Build tomor- row’s NDT leaders through your mentorship in the ASNT RISE Leadership Development Program. Mentorship spots are limited—apply today. |SOCIETYNOTES J U L Y 2 0 2 3 M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N 15 2307 ME July dup.indd 15 6/19/23 3:41 PM
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