ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Authors acknowledge the conversations with Dr. Johannes Vrana and Ravi Raghu on this topic and GPT-4 for its review. AUTHORS Ripi Singh: Inspiring Next, Cromwell, CT Vaibhav Garg: Genus Power Infrastruc- tures Ltd., Jaipur, Rajasthan, India REFERENCES 1Singh, R., V. Garg, and GPT-3. 2021. “Human Factors in NDE 4.0 Development Decisions.” J Nondestruct Eval 40. 00808-3. 2Singh, R., and V. Garg. 2022. “Can we Collaborate with AI?” Materials Evaluation 80 (10). 3 Vrana, J., R. Singh, and ChatGPT. 2023. “This is ChatGPT How May I Help You?” Materials Evaluation 81 (2). 4Nahigian, T.J., and L. Fonseca. 2022. “If You’re Not First, You’re Last: How AI Becomes Mission Critical.” 17 November 2022. tive-ai-mission-critical/. 5 “Nick Bostrom.” Wikipedia. Accessed 10 May 2023. Nick_Bostrom. 6Clifford, C. 2019. “Bill Gates: A.I. is like nuclear energy ‘both promising and dangerous.’” CNBC Make It. 26 March 2019. bill-gates-artificial-intelligence-both-prom ising-and-dangerous.html. 7 Clifford, C. 2018. “Elon Musk: ‘Mark my words A.I. is far more dangerous than nukes.’” CNBC Make It. 14 March 2018. musk-at-sxsw-a-i-is-more-dangerous-than- nuclear-weapons.html. PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE WHITE PAPER Noria has published a white paper titled “Five Reasons Predictive Maintenance Programs Fail When Evolving into Industry 4.0,” sponsored by AssetWatch. When appropriately implemented, predic- tive maintenance programs save time and money by increasing efficiency and limiting machine downtime and failure. Some plants have trouble implementing predictive maintenance properly other plants have had good predictive main- tenance programs for years but are suddenly struggling. Why is this? These facilities are struggling because they’re finding it nearly impossible to adapt to technological advancements. They face a difficult choice: keep doing things the old way while competi- tors progress or attempt to integrate Industry 4.0 practices. The choice seems obvious—we should evolve into Industry 4.0. But, if done incorrectly, this integration can make processes less effi- cient than ever before. MACHINERYLUBRICATION.COM CONDITION MONITORING BOOK BINDT (British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing) has published An Introduction to Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Technologies, edited by A. Hope and D. Whittle. This book covers all aspects of condition moni- toring from an introductory level and provides a general introduction to condition monitoring and diagnostic technologies, containing eleven chapters on the following topics: implementing condition-based maintenance vibration analysis oil analysis wear debris anal- ysis acoustic emission thermal imaging ultrasound condition monitoring motor current signature analysis/electrical condition monitoring optical condition monitoring and laser shearography prognostics and root cause failure anal- ysis and ISO standards. BINDT.ORG RADIOGRAPHIC TESTING REPORT Inspectioneering has published an Asset Intelligence Report titled A Primer on Radiographic Testing, sponsored by DÜRR NDT. Radiographic testing (RT) is commonly used as a volumetric nonde- structive examination (NDE) technique in the hydrocarbon and petrochemical industries to view or inspect equip- ment, such as pressure vessels, valves, and welded joints. This report serves as an informative primer to provide an understanding of RT. As with other Asset Intelligence Reports, this document is not intended to serve as a comprehensive guide, but rather an introductory primer on RT. INSPECTIONEERING.COM SCANNER |NEWMEDIA NDE OUTLOOK FROM P. 19 We want to hear from you! News releases for Scanner should be submitted to the ASNT press release inbox at 20 M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N J U L Y 2 0 2 3 2307 ME July dup.indd 20 6/19/23 3:41 PM
ASNT Members save up to 50% with exclusive discounts on shipping including larger shipments going by freight. LEARN MORE AT PARTNERSHIP.COM/ASNT ASNT CERTIFICATION SERVICES SEEKING PARTNERSHIPS WITH EQUIPMENT VENDORS ASNT Certification Services LLC (ASNT CS) has opened a new 9000 ft2 state-of-the-art training and testing facility in Houston, Texas, and is actively looking for a few more nondestructive testing (NDT) equipment and product vendors to partner with to equip the new facility. These partnerships would allow ASNT CS to use the vendor’s NDT products and equipment for training and testing while ensuring that vendors receive company and product exposure and promotion, as well as additional negotiated benefits. Following is a high-level overview of some of the types of NDT products and equipment needed to equip the Houston training facility. If your company would like to review the complete equipment list, please email Electromagnetic Testing: Surface testing equipment and probes Magnetic Particle Testing: MT bench and accessories MT yoke and accessories Consumables Liquid Penetrant Testing: PT line and accessories (all techniques) Consumables Radiographic Testing: X-ray cabinet (fully locked and alarmed) and accessories Consumables Ultrasonic Testing: UT thickness equipment and accessories UT shear wave equipment and accessories UT phased array equipment and accessories Consumables Visual Testing: Remote visual video equipment Direct visual measurement devices General: Reference standards Flawed samples Promotional materials |SOCIETYNOTES J U L Y 2 0 2 3 M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N 21 2307 ME July dup.indd 21 6/19/23 3:41 PM
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