one in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia while I was there on an unrelated business trip. All in all, it has been a very busy and productive year for me. During my speech at the 2022 Annual Conference in Nashville, I quoted two past US presidents who spoke of the rewards of service to others as well as how to over- come difficult issues and learn from them. I can say that volunteering for ASNT and working with the other great volunteers of our Society over the past 40+ years has been extremely rewarding. Along the way we have experienced many bumps in the road however, by working together we have overcome so many of the obstacles. I am certain that after the dust of the years to come has passed over our Society, we, too, will be remembered, not only for our accomplishments (victories or defeats), but for our contribu- tion to the human spirit as volunteers. In closing, thank you for allowing me to be your 81st President. Thank you to all the volunteers who donate their valuable time to assure our Society is the gold standard for the NDT community around the globe. Thank you to the staff at ASNT for their relentless support. Thank you to our executive director and the BOD for their guidance and leadership. I would also like to thank and acknowledge the Directors whose three-year terms on the BOD ended on 30 June: Tsuchin (Phillip) Chu, Gerry Churchwell, Larry Gill, and Anish Poudel. Last but certainly not least, thank you to our outgoing Chairperson of the Board, Mr. John Iman. John has led our Society through uncharted waters over the past two years, kept us on track throughout the journey, and never wavered on his pursuit for enhanced workforce development programs, the formation of the new ASNT Foundation (for which he has been appointed President), and the aggressive but much needed Strategic Plan. It is people like Mr. Iman who make this Society and our industry great. We are truly a society of professionals that work daily to create a safer world. LEADERSHIP FROM P. 85 SCOPE |LEADERSHIP 86 M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N J U L Y 2 0 2 3 2307 ME July dup.indd 86 6/19/23 3:41 PM
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