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A MESSAGE FROM YOUR OUTGOING PRESIDENT I would like to take this occasion to say, thank you! It has been an honor and privilege to serve as our Society’s 81st President from July 2022 to June 2023. It was a rewarding experience to have the opportunity to work with such a dedicated staff and an extremely professional and effective Board of Directors (BOD) as we together guided our Society through some very trying times. I am so looking forward to taking on the new challenge of serving as Chairperson of the Board beginning in July 2023 as the BOD, including the five new directors just recently elected (see page 88), will continue to strive to make our Society stronger and provide even more opportunities for our members. Over the past year, we have expanded our portfolio of benefits by acquiring NDT Classroom and we will be further developing those online training courses to fit the needs of our Level I and Level II members (and nonmembers, for that matter). We have successfully administered over 1200+ UT Thickness (UTT) performance verification examinations through our highly successful Industry Sector Qualification (ISQ) performance demonstration program, rolled out the ISQ UT Shear Wave (UT-SW) exams, and are currently rolling out the ISQ UT Phased Array (UT-PA) exams as I write this note in early June. Watch for more on the ISQ program to come in the very near future. Through ASNT Certification Services LLC, a newly formed company that handles all the certification efforts within ASNT, we have finally released the new ASNT 9712 program. This will replace the old ACCP program and will be fully compliant with the latest ISO 9712 standard for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. Additionally, we have introduced the EBC (employer-based certification) Audit Program wherein service companies can have their in-house SNT-TC-1A and/or CP-189 programs audited by ASNT and receive an accreditation of full compliance for their program once the audit is completed. There is much more to come on this in the very near future that will benefit ASNT members as well. I was extremely proud to be part of the opening of the new ASNT Houston training and testing facility, as well as the newly formed ASNT India Pvt. Ltd., part of our international expansion efforts. Both of these facilities will provide lower costs to our members while still producing revenue to grow the Society. During my year-long tenure as President, I was fortunate to have the priv- ilege to represent ASNT at leading NDT conferences around the world. I was asked to attend the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) annual conference, where I gave a short speech and follow-up toast to their Society. I was honored to host, along with Chairperson of the Board John T. Iman and Vice President Dr. John Z. Chen, the US-Japan NDT Symposium, which is held every four years in Hawaii. I also represented ASNT at the Asia Pacific Conference for NDT in Melbourne, Australia. I was selected and voted in as the President of the next Asia Pacific Conference, which will be hosted by ASNT in Honolulu in 2026. Lastly, I was an invited lecturer at the 70th anni- versary ceremonies of the Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection in Tokyo, Japan—an event I will remember for a lifetime. I managed to make a few local section meetings (not as many as I had planned due to unfore- seen issues): one being the Charlotte Section’s annual shrimp boil, as well as LEADERSHIP |SCOPE DANNY L. KECK ASNT PRESIDENT, 2022–2023 VICE PRESIDENT, ASNT CERTIFICATION SERVICES LLC VICE PRESIDENT, ASNT FOUNDATION DKECK@ASNT.ORG J U L Y 2 0 2 3 M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N 85 2307 ME July dup.indd 85 6/19/23 3:41 PM
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