Infrared thermography (IRT) is a nonde-
structive testing technique that uses
infrared imaging to detect and measure
thermal energy emitted from objects.
This method captures temperature varia-
tions on the surface of equipment, which
can indicate underlying issues. Regular
thermographic inspections facilitate
better maintenance planning by identi-
fying issues before they lead to electrical
and mechanical equipment failures.
Methods for examining electrical equip-
ment include detecting overheating in
electrical components such as circuit
breakers, transformers, and switchgear,
which may indicate potential failures
or malfunctions. By catching abnormal
temperature patterns early, IRT helps
prevent equipment failures and reduces
the risk of electrical fires. In mechanical
equipment testing, identifying compo-
nents that are overheating due to exces-
sive friction or misalignment with IRT
helps prevent mechanical failures and
extends the lifespan of equipment. By
monitoring the thermal performance of
mechanical equipment, IRT helps ensure
that machines operate efficiently and at
optimal performance levels.
The most recent version of ASTM
E1934, released in the Book of Standards,
Volume 03.03, has been reapproved by
ASTM Subcommittee E07.10. This stan-
dard outlines the responsibilities of both
the end user and the infrared thermog-
rapher when inspecting electrical and
mechanical systems. It specifies what
should be included in the documentation
of qualitative and quantitative infrared
examinations. The guide covers the use
of equipment and materials near heated,
moving, or electrically energized compo-
nents. Users must establish proper safety,
health, and environmental practices and
identify any regulatory limitations before
using the equipment.
This guide serves as a resource for
end users to specify, and for infrared
thermographers to perform, infrared
examinations of electrical and mechan-
ical equipment. It outlines their shared
responsibilities and aims to identify
and document anomalies. In electrical
systems, warm anomalies usually result
from increased resistance due to loose
connections, short circuits, overloads,
load imbalances, or faulty components,
while cool anomalies indicate failed
components. In mechanical systems,
warm anomalies often arise from friction
due to improper lubrication, misalign-
ment, or worn components, whereas
cool anomalies indicate component
Hossein Taheri, PhD: Georgia
Southern University, Statesboro, GA
The following section provides a summary of
new standards, drafts, and revisions that may
be of interest to the nondestructive testing and
evaluation (NDT/E) community. This summary is
provided in Materials Evaluation on a quarterly
basis in January, April, July, and October. For the
latest information, please visit the website of the
standards provider.
ANSI procedures require notification by ANSI-
accredited standards developers of the initiation
and scope of activities expected to result in
new or revised American National Standards.
The following is a list of proposed actions and
new standards that have been received recently
from accredited standards developers. To view
information about additional standards for
which a project initiation notification has been
submitted, and to search approved American
National Standards, please visit ansi.org, which
is a database of standards information. Note that
this database is not exhaustive.
Ñ BSR/AWS D17.4-202x, Specification for
Additive Friction Stir Deposition for Aerospace
Applications. This is a new standard. This
standard provides a process specification for
the AFSD process that can be followed for
purposes of creating and qualifying a depo-
sition procedure specification (DPS) that will
produce qualified components for aerospace.
It borrows some of the common language and
terminology from the existing AWS D17.3 and
AWS D20 specification but accounts for the
specific requirements for this additive manufac-
turing process. This standard would initially be
used by the aerospace community to certify the
process, but, like the AWS D17.3 specification, it
is anticipated that a larger community will use it
as a general AFSD process specification.
Ñ BSR/ADCI 01-202X, Commercial Diver Training
Minimum Standard. This is a new standard
establishing a core curriculum to train entry-
level marine technicians and commercial divers
to assist in general operations in oceanographic
and commercial maritime enterprises and safely
carry out technical operations underwater.
Ñ BSR/UL 2278-202x, Standard for Safety
for Megawatt Charging Configured Electric
Vehicle Couplers. This is a new joint standard
M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N J U L Y 2 0 2 4
for the US and Canada. There are currently no
consensus standards published in the US and
Canada for megawatt charging configured
electric vehicle couplers. The new standard
covers the new configuration of couplers, which
operate at a higher voltage and current than
any previously certified coupler, and presents
new and increased potential hazards that must
be addressed by requirements that are signifi-
cantly modified compared to what exists today.
This standard covers vehicle connectors and
vehicle inlets designated as, and configured as,
megawatt charging couplers. These devices
are for use in either indoor or outdoor, non-
classified locations in accordance with National
Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70.
Ñ INCITS/ISO/IEC 19157-1:2023 [202x],
Geographic information Data quality Part
1: General requirements. This is an identical
national adoption of ISO/IEC 19157-1:2023 and
revision of INCITS/ISO 19157:2013 (R2019),
INCITS/ISO 19157:2013/AM1:2018 (2020).
This international standard establishes the prin-
ciples for describing the quality of geographic
data. It defines a well-considered system
of components for describing data quality
defines the process for defining additional,
domain-specific components for describing data
quality specifies components and the content
structure of data quality measures describes
general procedures for evaluating the quality
of geographic data and establishes principles
for reporting data quality. This standard is
applicable to data producers providing quality
information to describe and assess how well a
dataset conforms to its product specification and
to data users attempting to determine whether
specific geographic data are of sufficient quality
for their particular application.
Ñ BSR/IEEE 3456.2-202x, Standard for Testing
Instruments for Deep Foundations Part 2:
High-Strain Testing Instruments. Due to the lack
of a unified standard, testing instruments for
deep foundations cannot achieve economies
of scale. This new standard will establish
standards for engineering construction safety,
which specify the basic requirements of testing
instruments, including design, manufacturing,
and operational requirements. A pile foundation
is one of the most common forms of foundation
in construction engineering. A pile foundation
is usually composed of piles and platforms
with the characteristics of high bearing capacity,
low settlement, and broad applicability. This
standard specifies general requirements for the
measurement and analysis system of testing
instruments, covering the composition, configu-
rations, working conditions, typical performance,
test methods, and inspection rules for judging
the compressive bearing capacity and integrity
of deep foundations. The standard specifications
include classification, measurement system,
analysis system, and safety requirements.
Ñ BSR/ASSP Z244.1-202x, The Control of
Hazardous Energy Lockout, Tagout and
Alternative Methods. This is a revision and
redesignation of ANSI/ASSP Z244.1-2016
(R2020). It covers machines, equipment, and
processes in which the unexpected energization
or start-up of the machines or equipment,
release of stored energy, or the actions of
persons could result in harm. This standard
also establishes requirements for the control of
hazardous energy associated with machines,
equipment, or processes that could cause harm
to personnel. It specifies the use of lockout,
tagout, or alternative methods to control
hazardous energy associated with machines,
equipment, or processes that could cause harm
to personnel. This standard applies to activi-
ties such as erecting, installing, constructing,
repairing, adjusting, inspecting, unjamming,
setup, testing, troubleshooting, cleaning,
dismantling, servicing, and maintaining
machines, equipment, or processes.
Ñ BSR/IPC 9716-202x, Requirements for
Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) Process
Control for Printed Board Assemblies. This is a
new standard. Automated inspections are critical
and mandatory process points within electronics
manufacturing flows. Currently there are no
industry standards for AOI process control.
Industry generally relies on either internal
expertise, equipment supplier expertise, or
both. As not all companies have extensive
inspection resources, in many cases inspection
processes and equipment are not sufficiently
identifying defects, resulting in quality escapes.
This new standard provides requirements for
automated inspection systems to define, set up,
establish, and apply process control for manu-
facturing printed board assemblies, including
general and specific process and equipment
conditions. Requirements will include those for
operating and inspection parameters, vision
systems, lighting conditions, calibration, detect-
ability, resolution, threshold limits and process
windows, program setups, measurement
system analysis (MSA), maintenance, and verifi-
cation protocols. Any accept/reject criteria will be
based on existing IPC standards (e.g., IPC-7527,
IPC-A-610). The purpose of this standard is to set
industry-defined requirements for AOI systems
to reduce false calls, improve throughput,
and shorten cycle times to ensure quality and
reliability of printed board assemblies. This
standard will also support electronics manu-
facturers to enable advanced manufacturing
real-time data analytics and control capabilities.
Ñ BSR SAIA A92.10B-202x, Safe Use
and Establishing Training Content and
Administrative Requirements for Mast Climbing
Transport Platforms (MCTPs). This is a revision
and partition of ANSI SAIA A92.10-2023, which
partitions the current ANS into two ANS: Design
and Safe Use/Training. It specifies requirements
for application, installation, dismantling,
inspection, training, maintenance, repair, and
safe operation of MCTPs. This standard also
provides methods and guidelines to prepare
MCTP training materials, defines administrative
criteria, and delivers elements required for
proper training and familiarization. It applies
to all types and sizes of MCTPs, as specified
in ANSI/SAIA A92.10A, Design, Calculations,
Safety Requirements and Test Methods, that are
primarily used as a tool of the trade to verti-
cally transport authorized persons, along with
materials and necessary tools, to various access
levels on a building or structure for construction,
renovation, maintenance, or other types of work.
Ñ BSR SAIA A92.9B-202x, Safe Use and
Establishing Training Content and
Administrative Requirements for Mast Climbing
Work Platforms (MCWPs). This is a revision and
partition of ANSI SAIA A92.9-2023. It specifies
requirements for application, installation,
dismantling, inspection, training, maintenance,
repair, and safe operation of MCWPs. This
standard also provides methods and guide-
lines to prepare MCWP training materials,
defines administrative criteria, and delivers
elements required for proper training and
familiarization. It applies to all types and sizes
of MCWPs, as specified in ANSI/SAIA A92.9A,
Design, Calculations, Safety Requirements and
Test Methods, that are intended to position
personnel along with their necessary tools and
materials at work locations.
Ñ BSR/ICC 1700-202x, Professional Qualifications
Standard for Hydrogen Systems in the Built
Environment. This is a new standard. The current
J U L Y 2 0 2 4 M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N 17
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