workforce is inadequately prepared to meet
the industry’s demands for implementing
hydrogen energy and technologies. Globally, it
is anticipated that over US$500 billion will be
invested in the hydrogen industry by the early
2030s. Despite existing codes and standards
addressing installation requirements for
hydrogen systems, there is a significant lack
of specific qualifications for professionals in
this field. Consequently, many approvals rely
on alternative design methods or compliance
measures, resulting in increased costs and
project delays. Furthermore, while hydrogen
has been utilized for nearly a century, its use
as a fuel is relatively new to many individuals,
leading to a growing need for skilled workers
and regulators who can ensure its safe and
efficient implementation. To bridge this gap,
a new Hydrogen Professional Qualifications
Standard Series is under development. This
series aims to offer specialized training and
certifications for individuals involved in
designing, engineering, installing, operating,
inspecting, auditing, and instructing on
hydrogen systems in the built environment. By
establishing precise requirements for training
and certification, jurisdictions can confidently
approve the design, installation, operation,
and maintenance of these intricate systems,
guaranteeing that personnel possess a compre-
hensive understanding of relevant terminology,
standards, and codes.
Ñ BSR/ASTM WK90161-202x, New Practice
for Quality Control of Routine Testing in a
Laboratory. This is a new standard applicable
when a control sample material is routinely run
with samples for the purpose of monitoring
test method performance. Guidance is given for
quality control of test method performance char-
acteristics such as test method bias, stability, and
laboratory precision (long-term single facility
intermediate precision) using a control sample
program. It includes selection and maintenance
of the control sample, control chart methods
for use, out-of-control action plans, and mainte-
nance of the program over time.
Ñ BSR/EOS ESD SP17.1-202X, ESD Association
Standard Practice for the Protection of
Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items
Process Assessment Techniques. This is a
revision of ANSI/ESD SP17.1-2020. This revision
establishes a set of methodologies, techniques,
and instruments to characterize a process where
ESD sensitive (ESDS) items are handled. Process
assessment covers risks by charged personnel,
ungrounded conductors, charged ESDS items,
and ESDS items in an electrostatic field. This
standard applies to activities that manufacture,
process, assemble, install, package, label,
service, test, inspect, transport, or otherwise
handle electrical or electronic parts, assemblies,
and equipment susceptible to damage by
electrostatic discharges. It does not apply to
electrically initiated explosive items, flammable
gases and liquids, or powders.
Ñ BSR/FM 1330-202x, Fire Pump Monitoring
and Automated Testing. This is a new standard.
Fire-pump monitoring and automated testing
systems are intended to enhance fire pump
reliability and reduce the amount of personnel
time needed to inspect and test them. The auto-
mation and system technology these systems
use allow for significantly improved real-time
pump health information, thereby improving
reliability. In all cases, these new systems are
subordinate to the pump control, such that
they do not influence the normal starting and
operation of the pump in the event of a fire.
The public comment period has passed for the
following draft American National Standards,
which are currently in review.
Ñ BSR/AISC N690-202x, Specification for Safety-
Related Steel Structures for Nuclear Facilities.
This is a revision of ANSI/AISC N690-2018. This
standard applies to the design of safety-related
steel structures and steel elements in nuclear
facilities. Structures and structural elements
subject to this standard are those steel struc-
tures that are part of a safety-related system or
that support, house, or protect safety-related
systems or components, the failure of which
would impair the safety-related functions of
these systems or components.
Ñ BSR/ASME A112.4.1-2014 (R202x), Water
Heater Relief Valve Drain Tubes. This is a
reaffirmation of ANSI/ASME A112.4.1-2014
(R2019). This standard establishes performance
requirements and test methods applicable to
water heater relief valve drain (or runoff) tubes
for use with relief valves having a steam rating
of 105 000 Btu/hr or less.
Ñ BSR/ASSP Z359.15-202x, Safety Requirements
for Single Anchor Lifelines and Fall Arresters for
Personal Fall Arrest Systems. This is a revision
and redesignation of ANSI ASSE Z359.15-2014.
This standard establishes requirements for the
design criteria, qualification testing (perfor-
mance requirements), marking and instructions,
user inspections, maintenance, and storage and
removal from service of single-anchor lifelines
and fall arresters for users within the capacity
range of 110 to 310 lb (50 to 140 kg).
Ñ BSR/AWS D14.6/D14.6M-202x, Specification
for Welding of Rotating Elements of Equipment.
This is a new standard establishing material
and workmanship standards for manufacturers,
fabricators, repair organizations, purchasers, and
owner/operators of rotating equipment that
are fabricated or repaired by welding. Included
are sections defining process qualifications,
operator qualifications, quality control, inspec-
tion requirements, and repair requirements.
Ñ BSR/ASME B20.1-202x, Safety Standard for
Conveyors and Related Equipment. This is
a revision of ANSI/ASME B20.1-2021. This
standard applies to the design, construction,
installation, maintenance, inspection, and
operation of conveyors and conveying systems
in relation to hazards.
Ñ BSR/ASME B31.1-202x, Power Piping. This
is a revision of ANSI/ASME B31.1-2022. This
standard prescribes minimum requirements
for the design, materials, fabrication, erection,
testing, examination, inspection, operation, and
maintenance of piping systems typically found
in electric power generating stations, industrial
and institutional plants, geothermal heating
systems, and central and district heating and
cooling systems. It also covers boiler-external
piping for power boilers and high-temperature,
high-pressure water boilers in which steam or
vapor is generated at a pressure of more than
15 psig (100 kPa [gage]) and high-temperature
water is generated at pressures exceeding
160 psig (1103 kPa [gage]) and/or tempera-
tures exceeding 250 °F (120 °C).
Ñ BSR/AWS C2.21M/C2.21-202x, Specification
for Thermal Spray Equipment Performance
Verification. This is a revision of ANSI/AWS
C2.21M/C2.21-2015 (R2024). This revision
provides members of the thermal spray
industry guidelines for ensuring thermal
spray equipment and systems are operating
according to the manufacturer’s specifications. It
M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N J U L Y 2 0 2 4
specifies the essential elements of a procedure
for verifying the performance of thermal spray
equipment to ensure it can operate according
to the manufacturer’s specifications or those
established by the user.
Ñ BSR/NFPA 25-202x, Standard for the
Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-
Based Fire Protection Systems. This is a revision
of ANSI/NFPA 25-2023. This revision establishes
the minimum requirements for the periodic
inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-
based fire protection systems and the actions
to undertake when changes in occupancy, use,
process, materials, hazard, or water supply that
potentially impact the performance of the water-
based system are planned or identified.
Ñ BSR/NFPA 715-202x, Standard for the
Installation of Fuel Gases Detection and
Warning Equipment. This is a revision of ANSI/
NFPA 715-2023. This standard contains require-
ments for the selection, design, application,
installation, location, operation, performance,
inspection, testing, and maintenance of
equipment that detects and warns of concentra-
tions of fuel gases in buildings and structures
that could pose a life or property safety risk.
Ñ BSR/NFPA 770-202x, Standard on Hybrid
(Water and Inert Gas) Fire-Extinguishing
Systems. This is a revision of ANSI/NFPA
770-2021. This revision contains the minimum
requirements for the design, installation, accep-
tance, inspection, testing, and maintenance of
hybrid fire-extinguishing systems that use a
combination of atomized water and inert gas to
extinguish fire.
Ñ BSR/ASME PHM-01-202x, Guideline for
Manufacturing Prognostics and Health
Management (PHM): Determining PHM
Inclusion in Factory Operations. This is a new
standard intended to assist manufacturers in
making decisions about when and where to
integrate monitoring, diagnostic, and prognostic
tools and systems in their facilities to ideally
optimize maintenance of their manufacturing
operations and improve their production
planning. It is designed to aid in answering
key questions such as where implementation
of PHM can improve productivity and costs,
maintain process quality targets, or help solve
chronic maintenance problems.
Ñ BSR/ASME B31.3-202x, Process Piping. This is
a revision of ANSI/ASME B31.3-2022. Rules for
the Process Piping Code, Section B31.3, have
been developed considering piping typically
found in petroleum refineries onshore and
offshore petroleum and natural gas production
facilities chemical, pharmaceutical, textile,
paper, ore processing, semiconductor, and
cryogenic plants food and beverage processing
facilities and related processing plants and
terminals. This Code prescribes requirements for
materials and components, design, fabrication,
assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and
testing of piping, and it applies to piping for all
fluids, including raw, intermediate, and finished
chemicals petroleum products gas, steam, air,
and water fluidized solids refrigerants and
cryogenic fluids.
Ñ BSR/HPVA HP-1-202x, Standard for Hardwood
and Decorative Plywood. This is a revision of
ANSI/HPVA HP-1-2020. The standard establishes
nationally recognized marketing classifications,
quality criteria, test methods, definitions, and
product marking and designation practices for
plywood produced primarily from hardwoods.
This revision includes several revisions to the
veneer grading tables and content throughout.
Ñ BSR/AWWA D121-202x, Bolted Aboveground
Thermosetting FRP Panel-Type Tanks for Water
Storage. This is a new standard that describes
the design, fabrication, installation, construction,
inspection, and testing of bolted aboveground
thermosetting fiberglass-reinforced plastic
(FRP) panel-type tanks for potable water,
reclaimed water, and nonpotable water.
Included are requirements for the fabrication,
handling design, construction, and testing
of FRP panels, concrete and steel foundation
structure members, foundation steels bolts, and
Ñ BSR/NFPA 10-202x, Standard for Portable Fire
Extinguishers. This is a revision of ANSI/NFPA
10-2022. The provisions of this standard apply
to the selection, installation, inspection, main-
tenance, recharging, and testing of portable fire
extinguishers and Class D extinguishing agents.
The requirements given herein are minimum
and do not apply to permanently installed
systems for fire extinguishment, even where
portions of such systems are portable (such as
hose and nozzles attached to a fixed supply of
extinguishing agent).
Ñ BSR/AGMA ISO 14104-A17, Gears Surface
Temper Etch Inspection after Grinding,
Chemical Method. This reaffirmation of a
national adoption, ANSI/AGMA 2007-C00:1995/
ISO 14104:1995 (R2013), explains the
materials and procedures necessary to
determine, evaluate, and describe localized
overheating on ground surfaces. A system to
describe and classify the indications produced
during this inspection is included however,
specific acceptance or rejection criteria are not.
An industry-wide survey was conducted to
establish common solutions in time that were
acceptable to the greatest number of users.
Safety and environmental precautions are
included for those not familiar with storage,
handling, use, and disposal of concentrated
acids, alkalis and solvents however, they do not
supersede the latest applicable requirements.
Ñ BSR/IIAR 6-202x, Standard for Inspection,
Testing, and Maintenance of Closed-Circuit
Ammonia Refrigeration Systems. This is a
revision of ANSI/IIAR 6-2019. This standard
specifies minimum requirements for
inspection, testing, and maintenance of
closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems.
It is intended to assist individuals responsible
for developing and implementing inspection,
testing, and maintenance programs for facil-
ities with stationary closed-circuit ammonia
refrigeration systems using recognized and
generally accepted good engineering practices
Ñ BSR/IEEE 2831-202x, Recommended Practice
for Distributed Traveling Wave Fault Location
Devices for High-Voltage Direct-Current (HVDC)
Transmission Lines. This is a new standard.
The category and composition, technical
requirements, test methods, inspection rules,
marking, packing, transportation, storage, and
installation of distributed traveling wave fault
location devices for HVDC transmission lines are
detailed. This recommended practice is appli-
cable to distributed traveling wave fault location
devices for HVDC transmission lines and alter-
nating current (AC) transmission lines.
Ñ BSR/IEEE 2832-202x, Guide for Control and
Protection System Test of Hybrid Multi-Terminal
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Systems.
This is a new standard providing general
guidance on the control and protection tests
of hybrid multi-terminal HVDC systems that
consist of line-commutated converter (LCC) at
the sending end and voltage source converter
(VSC) at the receiving end. It involves precon-
ditions, composition of the test system, test
contents and boundaries, test items and design
principles, and organization and quality control
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