The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) is pleased to announce
the addition of five distinguished professionals to its Board of Directors, each
serving a three-year term starting 1 July 2024. Michael Childers, Joshua de
Monbrun, Roger Engelbart, and John Derrick McCain were elected by their
fellow members in the general election held 15 March–15 April, and Wade
Jenstead was nominated by the ASNT Leadership Development Committee and
was appointed as a director at the June 2024 meeting of the ASNT Board of
Directors. Each new director brings a wealth of expertise and a shared commit-
ment to advancing the field of nondestructive testing (NDT). Their collective
experience and leadership are set to drive ASNT’s mission forward, fostering
innovation, education, and industry excellence. Read on to meet them!
Michael Childers has been a member of
ASNT since 2010. His professional certi-
fications include API RP 578 for XRF and
OES technologies, and he is also a certi-
fied instructor by the American Society
for Training and Development.
Childers is a graduate of Glendale
Community College where he studied
business administration, psychology, and
English. He brings a wealth of experience
from his 28-year tenure at Southwest
Gas Corp., where he has held multiple
positions, including specialist/corporate
engineering staff/operations, corporate
supervisor/operations staff, technical
instructor, welding crew leader, and
Within ASNT, Childers has actively
served in several leadership roles,
including chair, vice chair, and treasurer
of the Arizona Section, and as a member
of the Engineering Council and the NDE
Engineering Education Committee.
Childers has chaired the API/AGA Joint
Committee/API 1104 for six years and
has been an active member of the
API and AGA for 15 years, serving as a
voting member on several committees.
Additionally, he has been involved with
the Gas Technology Institute, Pipeline
Research Council International, Western
Regional Gas Conference, Western
Energy Institute, American Welding
Society, and the National Petroleum
Council, contributing his expertise and
leadership to advance the industry.
As a newly elected director, Childers’s
goal is to promote and advance safety,
technology, education, and opportunity
for ASNT members and their respective
industries. In addition, he aims to repre-
sent ASNT within the oil and natural gas
industry and to be a part of shaping the
future of NDT under the direction of
ASNT executive leadership, for current
and future members.
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Joshua de Monbrun, CEng, has been a
member of ASNT since 2015. He holds
multiple certifications, including ASNT
NDT Level III in ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, and VT,
as well as AWS CWI. De Monbrun is also
an API 570 Pipeline Inspector, a DCBC
Surface Supplied Supervisor, a DCBC Air
Diver, a NACE Coating Inspector, and
has completed EMI ICS-200/NIMS 700
De Monbrun’s educational back-
ground includes a bachelor of science
degree in Engineering (Nondestructive
Testing) from the University of
Northampton. His professional experi-
ence is extensive, having spent 10 years
with MISTRAS Group Inc. in various
roles, from commercial diver to project
manager. He has served as Technical
Authority since 2021. His military service
includes time as a Non-Destructive
Inspection Specialist (SRA) in the US Air
Force and as an Aviator (W01) in the US
Within ASNT, de Monbrun has served
as chair of the ASNT Underwater NDT
Committee and co-technical editor
of the upcoming NDT Handbook on
Ultrasonic Testing, as well as a member
of the Technical &Education Council,
Engineering Council, and Certification
Management Council. His involvement
in other industry organizations includes
serving on the AWS B2 and D3.6
Committees and the ASME BPV Code
Working Group.
De Monbrun’s career in NDT spans
over two decades. His professional
journey has provided him with a deep
appreciation for the integration of new
technologies into traditional sectors. With
the accelerating pace of digitalization,
automation, machine learning, and artifi-
cial intelligence, he is a staunch advocate
for embracing innovation to keep ASNT
at the cutting edge of the industry. He
is passionate about bridging the gap
between traditional methodologies and
modern advancements, ensuring that
ASNT remains a leader in NDT.
In his pursuit of this vision, in his role
on the Board of Directors de Monbrun
aims to promote the incorporation of
emerging technologies into ASNT’s
practices and standards, believing that
the inclusion of younger, tech-savvy
professionals is vital for a dynamic and
progressive approach. He is dedi-
cated to attracting a new generation
to the field of NDT by highlighting the
exciting opportunities for innovation and
Roger Engelbart has been a member
of ASNT since 1978 and is an ASNT
NDT Level III in MT, PT, RT, UT, and VT.
His early professional journey began in
the US Air Force, where he served as a
flightline mechanic and avionic specialist,
laying the groundwork for his technical
Engelbart holds a master of science
degree in Mechanical Engineering and
Materials Science from Washington
University in St. Louis and a bachelor
of science degree in Metallurgical
Engineering from Missouri University
of Science &Technology. His profes-
sional experience includes positions at
Boeing Research and Technology as an
Associate Technical Fellow in NDT, at
McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co.
(which later merged with Boeing), and at
Emerson Electric’s Electronics and Space
For more than 35 years, Engelbart
has been an active participant in ASNT,
serving the Society and its members
at the national level for the past 17
years, including previous key positions
of Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President,
President, and Chair of the Board. In his
most recent term as Director (ending
30 June 2024), Engelbart played a crucial
role in developing and executing ASNT’s
Strategic Plan for 2022–2026 through
his work on the Strategic Management
Committee. Engelbart has also served
and/or held leadership positions on
the Advocacy Committee, Technical &
Education Council, Research Council, and
the Aerospace Committee.
Beyond ASNT, Engelbart is active
in other professional organizations,
including the ASTM E07 Committee on
Nondestructive Testing, the ASTM F42
Committee on Additive Manufacturing,
and the British Institute of NDT.
Engelbart’s extensive experience
and dedication to advancing the NDT
field underscore his commitment to
the Society and its mission. He has
witnessed the Society launch its certi-
fication program, expand its business
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