Modern robotic crawlers provide a
means of safe and effective remote
data capture, reducing confined space
entries, minimizing data collection times,
enhancing inspection data quality, and
optimizing overall inspection spend.
Direct visual testing (VT) is a nondestructive testing
method utilized for surface inspection and eval-
uation. The specifications of direct visual inspec-
tion are defined as placing the eye within 24 in.
(600 mm) of the surface to be examined, at an
angle of not less than 30°, supported by a white
light source with a minimum intensity of 100 fc
(1000 lux). For many industries, direct VT presents
formidable challenges, as the costs to access the
examination area are prohibitively expensive and
M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N • J U L Y 2 0 2 4
means of safe and effective remote
data capture, reducing confined space
entries, minimizing data collection times,
enhancing inspection data quality, and
optimizing overall inspection spend.
Direct visual testing (VT) is a nondestructive testing
method utilized for surface inspection and eval-
uation. The specifications of direct visual inspec-
tion are defined as placing the eye within 24 in.
(600 mm) of the surface to be examined, at an
angle of not less than 30°, supported by a white
light source with a minimum intensity of 100 fc
(1000 lux). For many industries, direct VT presents
formidable challenges, as the costs to access the
examination area are prohibitively expensive and
M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N • J U L Y 2 0 2 4