While evacuated lines are more conducive to
RVI, inspections can also occur with the line full or
partially full. Clarity, turbidity, and flow rate may
negatively impact inspection effectiveness. Care
should be exercised as not to exceed the maximum
depth rating or head pressure for the crawler. If the
crawler is to be introduced to other compounds,
the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) should be thoroughly
reviewed for possible hazards. This effort should
go beyond the typical job safety analysis (JSA) and
should evaluate hazards and chemical compatibil-
ity with the inspection crawler bill of materials. For
example, the crawler and camera O-rings, crawler
wheels or tracks, and the cable may all be suscepti-
ble to chemical-induced degradation.
Use Case
As a service provider, our RVI team experi-
ences a broad spectrum of applications across a
myriad of industries. The expansive nature of our
work necessitates a mastery of RVI equipment
deployment, utility, and manipulation. And while
some exams can be rather mundane, we are often
sought after for unique applications that challenge
current technology limitations. These difficult
inspections that challenge convention and tech-
nology limitations are often the most rewarding in
terms of provoking thought and advancing inspec-
tion capabilities.
We recently devoted our efforts to assist a
pipeline operator requesting assistance in validat-
ing several anomalies noted during a pipe pigging
effort. The results of the pipe pigging inspection
indicated that there were indentations in the line.
Our inspection tasks were to conduct a general
remote visual inspection, locate and identify the
anomalies, and measure the relevant indications to
support further engineering analysis.
The inspection presented a laundry list of
formidable challenges for our team. Beyond
the access point, the pipe was buried and
inaccessible. The line geometry was not
inspection-friendly, containing a tee joint at
the access, several bends, and an elevation
change. Furthermore, the line also changed in
diameter. These obstacles made it difficult for an
inspection crawler equipped with measurement
tools to travel to the areas of interest, some at
distances of more than 800 ft (243 m).
Crawlers that can accomplish this type of
inspection are not readily available, so customiza-
tion was necessary for a successful deployment.
Our team liaised with several equipment manufac-
turers and technology providers to understand how
we might “stack” various technologies for mission
success. After a bit of research, we fitted, tested, and
commissioned a remotely operated crawler coupled
with a terrestrial 3D laser scanner. This package
was able to fit in the smaller of the two pipe diam-
eters, navigate around multiple bends, and capture
high-fidelity measurements at great distances
(Figure 3).
The data capture effort included complete video
of the line, still image capture of points of interest
(Figure 5), and 3D laser scanning of indentations
and anomalies (Figures 4 and 6). Utilizing a terres-
trial laser scanning provided 1 mm accuracy, which
enabled enhanced engineering modeling and
analysis. Perhaps most importantly, this data was
captured without confined space entry and elimi-
nated the time and cost of excavations and external
data collection.
Figure 3. Crawler
equipped with a 3D
laser scanner. Also
note the “bridge”
utilized to drive over
the exposed tee
connection at the
bottom of the line.
M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N J U L Y 2 0 2 4
Effective utilization of remote crawlers begins
with a clear understanding of mission objectives,
inspection specifications, and line/asset features.
Collectively, these critical areas create a framework
for crawler selection, payloads, and inspection
team attributes. When properly deployed, remote
crawlers yield tremendous benefits including safe,
expedient, and cost-effective data collection, excel-
lent data quality, and minimization or elimination
of excavation and confined space entries. This cul-
mination of attributes can help to reduce outage or
turnaround scope, optimize inspection budgets, and
positively impact safety metrics.
Ron Kessler: Vice President, Robotic Inspection Solutions,
Team Inc., Sugarland, TX rkessler2012@gmail.com
Materials Evaluation 82 (7): 34–39
©2024 American Society for Nondestructive Testing
671' 666' 661' 656' 651' Figure 4. Point
cloud view of
indentation and
5/18/2023 09:27
Figure 5. Crawler
camera view.
Figure 6. Best-fit oval due to indentation.
J U L Y 2 0 2 4 M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N 39
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