The comprehensive examination of
this vessel involved a detailed focus on
crucial zones such as nozzles, supports,
and welds (Figure 8). Each photograph
captured during the inspection has
been precisely marked within the 3D
model, indicating their specific posi-
tions (Figure 9). Additionally, a complete
video feed of the inspection was
During the meticulous examination
of the vessel, significant internal corro-
sion and clusters of pits were identified
(Figures 10 and 11). Relevant findings
were recorded in the report, prompting
further investigation using 3D surface
scanning techniques to accurately deter-
mine the dimensions and depths of the
affected areas (Figure 12).
Figure 10. Close-up
of the shell surface.
Figure 11. Close-up
of a support
weld with some
annotations. Note
the two laser dots
that allow a rough
dimension of
Figure 9. Close-up of (a) nozzle and (b) its positioning in the digital twin.
Figure 8. Overview of the (a) complete inspection locations and (b) path driven by the robotic crawler.
M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N • J U L Y 2 0 2 4
this vessel involved a detailed focus on
crucial zones such as nozzles, supports,
and welds (Figure 8). Each photograph
captured during the inspection has
been precisely marked within the 3D
model, indicating their specific posi-
tions (Figure 9). Additionally, a complete
video feed of the inspection was
During the meticulous examination
of the vessel, significant internal corro-
sion and clusters of pits were identified
(Figures 10 and 11). Relevant findings
were recorded in the report, prompting
further investigation using 3D surface
scanning techniques to accurately deter-
mine the dimensions and depths of the
affected areas (Figure 12).
Figure 10. Close-up
of the shell surface.
Figure 11. Close-up
of a support
weld with some
annotations. Note
the two laser dots
that allow a rough
dimension of
Figure 9. Close-up of (a) nozzle and (b) its positioning in the digital twin.
Figure 8. Overview of the (a) complete inspection locations and (b) path driven by the robotic crawler.
M A T E R I A L S E V A L U A T I O N • J U L Y 2 0 2 4